Mobile app?

Does BANDZONE have an iPhone or Android app and if not, why not?

Short answer: There is currently no app (yet) (See below for reasons)


  1. Since a lot of bands (and we ourselves) also use BANDZONE on smartphones and tablets, we made sure right from the start that everything was very easy to use, even on smaller screens.
  2. BANDZONE can also be added to the home screen of smartphones and tablets. This makes the web app easy to be found, to be started quickly and allows it to have more screen space available. Almost like a “real” app. :)

    For a detailed explanation, see:

    Add BANDZONE to Android home screen »

    Add BANDZONE to iOS home screen (iPhone/iPad)

Here are a few examples of what BANDZONE looks like on mobile phones:

Personal event availability
Monthly overview of events
Create an event series
Edit event
List of events with detailed information
Song list
Song ratings
Band settings
Personal dashboard

Why not an app?

We are in contact with many bands and there are a lot of very good ideas competing for the unfortunately not unlimited programming time. This means that everything we do is always focused on

  1. providing the greatest possible benefit for most bands and
  2. keeping BANDZONE as easy to use as possible

This means that some special functions unfortunately have to be back-prioritized and some cannot be built in full high gloss shinyness.

A mobile app currently still falls into this category of back-prioritized 'features', because:

  • The current state already ensures smooth operation on all devices (including notifications via e-mail, for example)
  • “Add to home screen” offers an app-like convenience - and that for a virtually negligible one-time additional setup effort
  • We haven't received any feedback from bands yet that BANDZONE wouldn't work well for them on mobile
  • Creating and maintaining 2 different apps would currently postpone too many other important features for too long
  • We do not currently have any features on the roadmap that would only be possible in an app

The future

We are in no way ruling out a native app or an offline-capable version for BANDZONE!

The time will certainly come when we will get to work on this. :)