News and updates

Fresh off the workbench, here are a few things we're currently working on (without hurting instruments, of course... ):

Latest (big) updates:
  • Mobile apps
    • Android App
    • The iOS App Beta Phase was extended
  • A setlist PDF configurator for stage-read setlists, cue lists for FoH and more
  • Cross-band availability blocks
  • Avatar pictures
A little later, we will, for example, take care of:
  • More (free text) times per event
  • Multi-day events
  • Management of band finances and contract details for gigs
  • A public page for band dates and documents

Feel free to influence what is higher on our list! Suggest new features or find out about upcoming enhancements. An email to is all it takes.

Below you will find all updates
(starting from version 36)

We’re constantly working on new features and improvements, and we release them as soon as they’re ready. The version updates below are therefore just a chronological summary of multiple changes.

However, we’re notoriously late with these version updates below... If you’d like to stay more up-to-date, feel free to follow us on Instagram or Facebook, where we also share important individual features separately.